How to deploy Angular SSR applications with Docker

Michael Schmidt
Published: Sep 6, 2024 by Michael Schmidt
How to deploy Angular SSR applications with Docker

Prerequisites #

Our guides are written with the expectation that the following requirements are met:

Clone your github repository #

Open an SSH terminal and clone your repository:

git clone [email protected]:USER_NAME/PROJECT.git

If you don't already have an Angular Repository you can use our Angular Template project.

git clone [email protected]:Selfhostguru/angular-ssr-templates.git

or without SSH key

git clone

This is a bare Angular 17 application with configured SSR and NodeJS bakcend. The client-server communication is set up. The repository also comes with the necessary Docker and Docker compose files.

Build the Angular app #

NOTE: The guide will follow the document structure of the tutorial repository. If you have your own project update the relative paths accordingly.

Navigate inside the Front-end app folder:

cd angular_front_end

Install the dependencies:

npm i 

Build the project:

npm run build